Fressnapf achieved sales increases in times of crisis

2023-02-10T12:15:14+01:00February 9th, 2023|Categories: European, General, Market info, Retail|Tags: , , , , , |

Against all odds in 2022, the Fressnapf Group could achieve a growth in turnover by 11% (to 3.5 bn euros). Although the sales are smaller caused by inflation, Fressnapf [...]

Mars increases prices of its products

2022-07-15T21:51:29+02:00July 12th, 2022|Categories: European, General, Market info, Pet Food Manufacturer, Retail|Tags: , , , |

Tesco will not increase prices in an “unjustifiable” way. Mars Petcare though justifies the price adaptions in the worldwide financial difficulties. Tesco’s speaker explained to GlobalPETS that they will [...] continues expansion with retail partner Sainsbury’s

2022-07-19T21:48:06+02:00July 11th, 2022|Categories: European, General, Pet Food Manufacturer, Retail|Tags: , , , , |

After celebrating great success with the brick-and-mortar launch at Sainsbury’s, now announced another expansion with its retail partner: the pet food supplier will offer its products in more [...]

Matti Salmi appointed Chief Procurement Officer of Pet Network

2022-07-15T21:45:56+02:00July 7th, 2022|Categories: General, people, position, Retail|Tags: , , , , |

Matti Salmi will take over the post as Chief Procurement Officer in the Management Board of Petwork International. Formerly served as Purchasing director at Scandinavian pet retailer Musti, Salmi [...]

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