Tesco will not increase prices in an “unjustifiable” way. Mars Petcare though justifies the price adaptions in the worldwide financial difficulties.
Tesco’s speaker explained to GlobalPETS that they will “not pass on unjustifiable price increases to our customers.”
“With household budgets under increasing pressure, now more than ever we have a responsibility to ensure customers get the best possible value,” they added.
Tesco alleges that they have other products in stock like branded and private label pet food products.
Tesco expects to find a solution and Mars aims to “reassure pet owners that their favorite products are in supply and remain widely available in the UK marketplace.”
The retailer believes in a price increase of the manufacturers products but Mars has not say anything so far since they “cannot comment on individual commercial relationships.”
A speaker of Mars said to GlobalPETS that price adaption has “been necessary” due to inflationary pressures. Mars still wants to “continue to absorb these rising costs as much as possible.”
The manufacturer is “constantly reviewing” a variety of factors that influence the current operations like costs, raw materials, consumer behavior and market trends.
“The in-store price continues to be at the sole discretion of the retailer.”
Read the original article here – globalpetindustry.com