Interzoo undergoes a rejuvenation of its exhibition advisory committee every four years, comprised of exhibitors and trade visitors. These committee members bring their extensive industry knowledge to the table, actively contributing to the evolution of the trade show.
Once again, Katharina Engling (from Bunny Tierernährung) assumes the role of committee chairperson. Assisting her are Nadine Trautwein (of Hunter International), pet retailer Stephan Fumy (representing Zoofachhandel Fumy), Jörg Lefers (from Allco Heimtierbedarf), and Axel Pinders (speaking for Dohse Aquaristik).
Joining the ranks as new honorary members of the Interzoo exhibition advisory committee are Felix Bangel (hailing from Megazoo Alpha) and Konstantin Kaysser (of Kaysser Heimtiernahrung)