The Industrieverband Heimtierbedarf (IVH) and the Zentralverband Zoologischer Fachbetriebe (ZZF) published data of last year’s pet industry sales on April 5.
The specialised and food retail recorded a turnover of 5.126 bn euros, an increase of 7.1 per cent. Furthermore, online trade ran in 1.203 bn euros and wild bird food an amount of 158 mio euros.
The total pet product industry could record a turnover of slightly under 6.5 bn euros with an increase in pet food by 9.5 per cent (4.035 bn euros). The sales of consumer goods and accessoires slightly decreased to 1.091 bn euros (0.9 per cent).
Registering 2.011 bn euros (increase of 12.5 per cent), cat food market continues to be the biggest food segment last year. The strongest segment has been wet food increasing by 13.6 per cent to 1.329 bn euros and thereby being able to pass the treat sales (326 mio euros, increase of 11.8 per cent). The dry cat food increased by 9.4 per cent (356 mio euros).
Dog food sales also saw a strong increase (+7.8 per cent) to 1.807 bn euros. The biggest increase recorded wet food with 13.4 per cent to 595 mio euros, followed by dry food with 7.4 per cent (516 mio euros) and treats with 3.6 per cent (696 mio euros).
Germans also bought more ornamental fish leading to an increase of 5.2 per cent to 59 mio euros. Although small animals food is still the third-strongest segment the sales strongly decreased to 91 mio euros (-7.1 per cent).
Regarding pet food for birds, the turnover (67 mio euros) nearly stayed the same. A small decline was reported in pet food sales for wild birds (-2.5 per cent to 158 mio euros).
Except for cat litter (+6.1 per cent to 324 mio euros), the report revealed a decline across all sections of commodities and accessories: dog accessories (-4.6 per cent to 229 mio euros), cat accessories (-2.5 per cent to 224 mio euros), supplies and accessories for ornamental fish (-2.1 per cent to 191 mio euros), accessories for small animals (-5.5 per cent to 93 mio euros), and accessories for ornamental birds (-9.1 per cent to 30 mio euros).