In 2020, the China International Pet Show (CIPS) surveyed more than 40,000 pet stores in China. Around 45.5 per cent had to give up their businesses, 20.5% moved to online business, 31.8 per cent diminished its shop hours.

Last year, the industry could recoup a little bit. Pursuant to to, pet stores got more service orders than the year before. The most popular services still are grooming and skin care with an increase of 31.7 per cent compared to the previous year. But also photography services, amusment centres and training services could record increases compared to 2020 (96.6%, 25.5% and 116.7%)

As part of this recovery period after the pandemic, CIPS started the “Empowering 10 000 China Pet Retailers” campaign in April, executing training seminars. In 6 cities these seminars were already held, 200 more shall be executed by the end of the year.

CIPS also aims to improve the national buyers network. The CIPS 2022 will take place online and offline from 17 to 20 November in Guangzhou, China.

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