Introducing a subscription model for pet supplies, Zooplus is expanding its offerings to cater to pet owners. This innovative service, currently in operation in Germany and Austria, is set to roll out in over 20 European country stores in the near future.

Dubbed “zooplus Abo”, this service empowers customers to define their preferred delivery frequency, ensuring a seamless, automatic supply of products directly to their homes at regular intervals. As noted by Zooplus CEO, Geoffroy Lefebvre, “The service is particularly handy for items such as pet food, treats and litter, which meet the recurring daily needs of pet owners. The frequency can be adapted at any time or it can be paused.”

Customers can take advantage of a range of benefits including adaptable order data, shopping basket options, and discounts on each subscribed item. In addition to Zooplus’s existing line of proprietary products, this service is poised to feature new partnerships with both local and global pet brands.

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