In cooperation with Mondi, Vafo Group developed a recyclable packaging material for its own brand „Hau-Hau Champion“ which is a popular dog food product in Finland.

In contrast to the former used packaging of multiple layers of materials that are unrecyclable, the new packaging consists in one recyclable material and therefore is not contributing to plastic waste anymore. Because of its reclosable design the package can keep the freshness of the product inside.

Mondi aimed to develop different options including a real material for 1.5-kg packages applicable for form/fill/seal applications, as well as pre-made FlexiBag Recyclable pouches for bags up to 15 kg.

“Through our EcoSolutions approach, we help customers find environmentally responsible alternatives without compromising on performance, ease of use, or aesthetics,” said Thomas Kahl, EcoSolutions project manager at Mondi. He explained to achieve this goal it is important to get a deeper insight in the brands and end users needs. Therefore the new packiging for „Hau-Hau Champions“ includes reclosability, carrying handles and supports the environmental goals of the company.

“With Hau-Hau’s brand refresh, we were looking for packaging that fully aligns with our commitment to reduce the carbon footprint of our products and operations as well as upgrades the packaging to match the high quality of the product content,” said Suvi Sillvan, brand specialist at Hau-Hau Champion. He added, that the new packaging material also fully supported the fact that all their dry dog foods were now completely CO2 neutral through carbon emission compensation.

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