Thailand ranks as 4th largest pet food exporter

Petfoodindustry, just released an article, that Thailand ranks as the 4th largest pet food exporter after the US, EU, and China. According to The main reason for the success of this Asian nation Thailand, to be the 4th largest pet food exporter are free trade agreements (FTAs) with many neighbors and countries like China, Australia, Chile, Peru, and Hong Kong. All removed import tariffs and mutually accounted for a total of 954 million USD$ Tahi pet food exports in 2019.

“The value of pet food exports to India, the United States, ASEAN countries and Australia was US$19 million, US$104 million, US$111 million and US$22.5 million, respectively, marking an increase of 52%, 19%, 13% and 9% respectively,” 

said Auramon Supthaweethum, director-general of the Department of Trade Negotiations in a report from The Nation/Asia News Network.

Meanwhile, Thai Union Group, ever since a bigger player in Thai pet food manufacturing, announced to further invest in pet food activities to take advantage of this favorable situation. As a major producer of seafood-based food products they have easy access to by-products which they can use for pet food production. This will surely help to make 2020 another successful year for Thailand to rank 4th largest pet food exporter in the world also in 2020 and the years to come.

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