Stanley Andrade has been appointed as the new director and main leader of BRF Pet, the pet nutrition division of global food industry giant BRF. With nearly 14 years of experience at BRF and over 20 years in the food industry, Andrade will focus on expanding the company’s pet nutrition business both in Brazil and internationally. His plans include growing operations in the moist category, enhancing products for cats, and expanding health-focused brands like Biofresh and Guabi Natural. Reporting directly to Marcel Sacco, Andrade aims to position BRF Pet as a leader in the global pet nutrition market.
Stanley Andrade Appointed as Director to Lead BRF Pet’s Global Expansion in Pet Nutrition
KoehlerC2024-08-31T09:59:52+02:00August 29th, 2024|Categories: people, Pet Food Manufacturer, position, South America|Tags: Biofresh, Brazil pet market, BRF, BRF Pet, Global expansion, Guabi Natural, international pet brands, pet food industry, pet nutrition, Stanley Andrade|