Despite dog meat’s historical status as a culinary delicacy in various Asian regions, international condemnation for its perceived cruelty has escalated. A notable shift in attitudes, particularly among the younger generation in Asia, reflects an increasing awareness of animal welfare issues associated with the consumption of dog meat.
In a significant move, South Korea’s National Assembly has approved legislation prohibiting the sale of dog meat. The law is poised to take effect after a three-year transitional period and final approval from the president. Post-implementation, any involvement in the breeding, selling, or slaughtering of dogs for meat could result in penalties, including imprisonment for up to three years or a fine of 30 billion won (approximately 20,000 euros).
South Korea, home to more than 1,100 dog farms, has faced opposition from breeders who previously resisted sales bans. However, these breeders are now anticipated to receive compensation for the cessation of their operations.