Fighting obesity among pets in the UK, the People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA) has joined forces with Royal Canin.
“Diet and nutrition have a huge impact on our four-legged friends’ overall physical and mental wellbeing,” said Lynne James, veterinary communications manager at PDSA.
In the two year’s period from 2018 to 2020, nearly 80% of all veterinarians in the UK have noticed an augmentation of pet obesity. That is why the PDSA intends to call pet owner’s attention to the consequences of pet obesity such as a loss of expectation of life.
“There is clearly much more to be done, but by working with our strategic diet and nutrition partner, Royal Canin, we are optimistic and excited about tackling this issue to help improve pet wellbeing in the UK,” James said. “Together we’ll be broadening our digital reach and we will be developing the information available for pet owners and ultimately aiming to prevent pet obesity, as well as manage the problem itself.”
According to PDSA’s 2020 PAW Report, 8% of dog owners in the United Kingdom reported their dogs gained weight during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, a trend affecting more than 800,000 dogs in the region. Seventeen percent of cat owners admitted to giving their cats more treats during this same period. The report also revealed that 14% of dog owners believe their dog is overweight, compared to 18% of cat owners.
In the PAW report from 2020 by PDSA, 8 % of the dog owners and 17 % cof cat owners admitted, that their pets have put on weight during COVID lockdown. 14% respectively 18 % of the owners think their pets are bariatric.
To support owners improving their pet’s nutrition, PDSA will provide Royal Canin’s science-based products in its pet hospitals.
“Educating pet owners on preventive healthcare and key welfare issues such as weight management as well as supporting pets with specific conditions with our advanced science based clinical diets will be the key focus for both parties,” said Sharon Hayes, veterinary NAM at Royal Canin. “The vet teams at PDSA’s Pet Hospitals will be pivotal to the success of this new partnership and we look forward to developing and building strong relationships with them while helping to broaden the reach of our educational activity.”