PremieRpet, a Brazilian super-premium pet food manufacturer, has partnered with the biodiversity conservation group Onçafari to support Brazilian wildlife affected by wildfires in the Pantanal. The company donated $45,000 to Onçafari’s Pantanal Recovery Fund and launched limited-edition packaging for its Nattu pet food line to promote the partnership. PremieRpet also donated $150,000 to Onçafari and another $150,000 to the Jaguar Parade, which raises awareness about Brazil’s ecosystems through art and culture. A portion of proceeds from Nattu products will help preserve the Pantanal and care for its wildlife.
PremieRpet Partners with Onçafari to Support Pantanal Wildlife Recovery Amid Wildfires
KoehlerC2024-09-27T16:31:54+02:00September 27th, 2024|Categories: General, Pet Food Manufacturer, South America, Sustainabilty|Tags: biodiversity conservation Brazil, Brazilian ecosystem preservation, Brazilian wildlife conservation, Jaguar Parade donation, Nattu pet food line, Pantanal Recovery Fund, Pantanal wildfire recovery, PremieRpet Onçafari partnership, Super-Premium Pet Food, Sustainable pet food|