Majer has thus risen from his previous position as sales manager. Milan Bartoš has now taken over this position at Vafo Praha:
The previous CEO and owner Pavel Bouška now intends to devote himself fully to the integration, management and development of companies within the international Vafo Group.
Jakub Majer joined Vafo Praha in 2007 as a project manager. A year later he became sales manager and held this position until May 2020. Last year he was also a member of the Board of Directors of the company.
Milan Bartoš started in retail positions, later in the sales department and in the purchasing department. He joined Vafo Praha in 2013 as a sales manager and since 2018 he has been responsible for the management of retail brands.
related links and articles:
- petsglobal.com – Vafo Praha has appointed new CEO
- zboziaprodej.cz – Vafo Praha s Jakubem Majerem jako novým výkonným ředitelem