According to a report by petfoodindustry, annual sales of pet food products in Europe reached EUR 29.2 billion in 2022, with a reported volume of 9.9 million metric tons, down from 10.5 million metric tons the previous year. The annual growth rate in volume decreased to 2% from 3.5%, while the estimated annual growth rate of the pet food industry over the past three years increased to 9% from 5.1%. FEDIAF, which has adjusted its data collection timeframe, advises against year-to-year comparisons. The number of pet food companies in Europe increased to 375 from 150, with production plants rising to 480 from 200. In 2022, the pet food industry directly employed 283,000 people and indirectly employed 2,300,000. The European pet food market, driven by trends in humanization, premiumization, and sustainability, is well-established and often sets global trends.
European Pet Food Market Reaches EUR 29.2 Billion in 2022 Amid Shifts in Industry Trends
KoehlerC2024-08-03T00:46:31+02:00August 1st, 2024|Categories: European, General, Pet Food Manufacturer, pet food trends|Tags: European pet food companies, European pet food market, FEDIAF report 2022, pet food employment Europe, pet food industry growth, Pet food market trends, pet food production plants, pet food sales Europe, premium pet food trends, Sustainable pet food|