South Korean scientists of the Jeonnam Agricultural Research and Extension Service have published the development of two new pet food products. These products are made mainly from locally grown plants and are said to have proven to be very healthy:
The kiwifruit and the leaves of loquat trees are the primary ingredients in the new pet food to come out from the Jeonnam research facility. Scientists believe their plant-based formula will keep dogs healthy by alleviating their skin problems and boosting fur regeneration. Even just 0.2 % of kiwifruit content in pet food could relieve dogs’ skin rashes, the lab said.
Kiwis contain a lot of vitamin C and important antioxidants, vitamin K, fibre and mineral copper, but no saturated fats.
Loquats are Asian trees that are easy to grow. These Japanese plums are also rich in antioxidants and vitamins.
Both organic ingredients also have the advantage that they contain a lot of fibre and the pet food has a quick satiating effect due to them. Therefore the food is also very suitable for obese pets.
related links and articles:
- Petfood Industry – South Korea develops new pet food from local plants