Fihumin the German premium private label food producer takes its responsibility towards future generations seriously.

“Sustainability, climate and environmental protection are very close to our hearts and are central aspects of our corporate philosophy. As a company, it is also our responsibility to actively contribute to climate protection, to slow down global warming and to ensure our planet is a habitable environment for future generations,” says Carlo Priolo, Fihumin’s CEO.


Fihumin is currently supporting a climate protection project to offset its corporate emissions, and the aim is to eventually cut all the company’s avoidable emissions and only allow emissions that are essential. In addition to avoidance and reduction, the prevention of CO2 emissions is an important step towards holistic climate protection.

The company is also implementing sustainable mobility concepts and offers its employees attractive hire-purchase offers to purchase a new bicycle through the JobRad programme. Company vehicles have also already been converted to electric and hybrid cars, and we are constantly exploring ways to make further reductions.

Fihumin’s climate protection project

“Although we have achieved CO2 neutrality in the company, we are continuing to work on making other areas more environmentally friendly. Moreover, education, which is regrettably still not a basic human right in many countries, is something that has been very important to us for many years. We are therefore already planning and financing the construction of schools in African countries with Welthungerhilfe (aid for world hunger), and are also contributing to making education more accessible with the climate protection project Saubere Ozeane, Plastic Bank”, says Priolo.

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