According to the 2024 pet population report from the Belgian Association of Pet Food Manufacturers (BEPEFA), price is the most important factor for Belgian pet owners when purchasing pet food, with 49% prioritizing it. Other significant considerations include food tailored to the pet’s life stage (45%) and food that pets find tasty (40%). The survey, conducted by iVOX, revealed that 58% of Belgian households have one or more pets, marking a 6% increase since 2021. On average, households have three pets, similar to the previous average of 3.1 pets per household. Additionally, 17% of Belgians welcomed a new pet in the past year, primarily for companionship (55%), with 31% being first-time pet owners. The majority of pet owners are aged between 35 and 54 (69%), followed by those under 34 (66%) and above 55 (56%). Moreover, 12% of working pet owners can bring their pets to work, with 9% doing so at least some of the time.

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