Bosch Tiernahrung Appoints Andreas Gubo as Commercial and Sales Director

2024-07-07T11:19:31+02:00July 4th, 2024|Categories: European, General, Germany, people, Pet Food Manufacturer|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Andreas Gubo has taken over the commercial management of Bosch Tiernahrung and has been granted procuration by the company's management. He will also continue to oversee the sales management [...]

Veterans are retiring at Bosch Tiernahrung

2022-05-12T15:28:06+02:00May 10th, 2022|Categories: European, General, Germany, people, Pet Food Manufacturer|Tags: , , |

German pet food producer Bosch Tiernahrung looses three long-term members of the company. On May 1, Reinhold Habel retired after serving 33 years for the company, especially responsible for [...]

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